How It Works
Vale Talking News is compiled by a team of volunteers, at a recording studio, in John Martin's Charity office, Evesham.
The Editor previously selects items from local newspapers and magazines, ready for reading during the recording session. These will include family announcements, suitable "what's on" events, sporting news, and planned roadworks/diversions. Birthday greetings are also read out.
The Readers take it in turn to read the various news items.
The Technician manages the recording of the session, via microphones, a recording desk, and computer, and then adds any pre recorded interviews by our Roving Reporter. A master recording is produced, which is left in the studio for copying. The two weeks of recording is approximately 1 1/2 hours long.
The Copiers make further copies of the master memory stick, and place them in the wallet to send out to our listeners. Records are maintained of returned and dispatched envelopes.
The Listener opens the wallet, and plugs the memory stick into the player to listen to the latest local news. Having heard the recording, they return the memory stick in the same wallet, within a few days.
It's as simple as that!!